2013 Environmental Professionals of Iowa Fall Symposium
Monday, November 18, 2013 5:30 pm - 10:00 pm
Tuesday, November 19, 2013 8:00 am - 7:00 pm
Stoney Creek Inn 5291 Stoney Creek Ct. Interstate 80/35, 86th Street Exit #129 Johnston, IA 50131 (515) 334-9000![Call: (515) 334-9000]()
This year EPI is
pleased to present an agenda that covers a range of topics
from remediation tools to aquifer studies from environmental
professionals, and updates from familiar faces. The IDNR has reviewed
the agenda for the symposium and has awarded 1.5 CEUs for Monday evening and 7.0 CEUs for Tuesday for ICGWPs. Also this year, the IDNR has awarded 0.2 CEUs Monday evening and 0.5 CEUs Tuesday for Iowa Certified Well Contractors!
The EPI Symposium will
again be held at the Stoney Creek Inn in Johnston. This beautiful
facility is easily accessible from the interstate and offers free,
spacious parking. For overnight accommodations, contact the Stoney Creek
Inn at (515) 334-9000 . EPI will have a block of rooms reserved until October 25.
Monday, November 18, 2013 5:30 - 10:00 PM
Symposium kicks off Monday evening with networking/social time,
dinner, and a presentation. The Monday evening speaker is Dr. John Jansen, a 2013 McEllhiney Lecturer with NGWA, who will be presenting: "Keeping the Pump Primed: Aquifer Sustainability". John Jansen, Ph.D., PG, is a principal and senior hydrogeologist for Cardno ENTRIX. He works on a wide variety of groundwater projects around the country, specializing in high-capacity wells and groundwater resource management. Formerly a partner in a Denver-based water rights company and the chief geoscientist for an international drilling company, he has broad experience in well construction and maintenance, as well as water rights issues.
Drinks and appetizers, sponsored by the vendors, will be available prior to dinner and following the presentation.
*****If you are interested in attending the lecture only (no dinner), please register here as the lecture itself is a free event.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Tuesday is filled with presentations by vendors, regulators, and
environmental industry experts sharing the most up to date information. Please refer to the agenda below for a complete listing of speakers. This year we have a very special guest who will be our luncheon speaker, Ms. Carolyn Hoskinson, Director of the EPA Office of Underground Storage Tanks. Ms. Hoskinson will speak about the 25th Anniversary of UST federal regulations. You will also have the opportunity to visit the vendors who will showcase their products and services throughout the day. The symposium will end with a drawing for several door prizes provided by EPI. (Must be present to win.)
Due to the positive response last year, the Networking/Social time with drinks and snacks following the Symposium, sponsored by EPI and the vendors, will be located at the bar area outside of the conference room again this year.
Please use our online registration process by clicking on the
registration link below. OR please fill out this form and e-mail/mail your registration
information to:
Environmental Professionals of Iowa PO Box 65484 West Des Moines, IA 50265 E-mail: moderator@epiowa.org
VENDORS - please use this form for registration and the online registration for payment.
We would like to thank our current members (attendees and vendors)
for their support over the years and we look forward to another
successful Symposium!
7:00 - 8:30 PM Dr. John Jansen, 2013 McEllhiney Distinguished
Lecturer: Keeping the Pump Primed: Aquifer Sustainability
following speaker
11:00 - 12:00 PM Bob Drustrup and Mike Gannon, Iowa
Department of Natural Resources: Successful
and Unsuccessful Case Studies of Bedrock Aquifer Remediation
2:00 - 2:30 PM Jessica
Montana, Iowa Department of Natural Resources, RBCA Tier 1 Guidance
2:30 - 3:00 PM Jeff Zogg, National Weather Service: Water Summary Update
Directions to the Stoney Creek Inn The Stoney
Creek Inn is located just off the combined Interstate 35/80. Both I35
& I80 merge together along the north side of the Des Moines
Metropolitan area, thus making Stoney Creek very easy to access.
Regardless of the direction you are traveling, exit the Interstate at
the 86th Street / Exit 129 and proceed north to Birchwood Court on the
right (east side). Take a right on Birchwood and then a left onto Stoney
Creek Court with the Stoney Creek Inn on your right hand side.