A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 89349 - Braun Intertec 1901 16th Ave SW #2 Cedar Rapids, IA Back to top A & J Equipment Company Leon, IA 641-446-6690 A-Better Earth Lawrence, KS 785-764-1674 Abild Engineering Company Atlantic, IA 712-243-1764 Acco Unlimited Corporation Johnston, IA 515-278-0487 Advanced Services Corp. Marion, IA 319-377-6357 Adventus Americas, Inc. http://www.AdventusGroup.com Freeport, IL 888-295-8661 Aestus, LLC http://www.aestusllc.com Loveland, CO 970-278-4090 Stillwater, OK 405-612-2713 Ag Environmental Services West Des Moines, IA 515-221-2788 Agra Placements Ltd. Clive, IA 515-225-6562 Agricultural Engineering Associates, Inc. Uniontown, KS 620-756-1000 Air Toxics Ltd. http://www.airtoxics.com Folsom, CA 916-605-3335 Aires Environmental Services, Ltd. Batavia, IL 630-879-3006 AKT Peerless Environmental Services LLC 3001 Montvale Drive, Suite B, Springfield, IL 62704 Chatham, IL 2176983926 Alfred Benesch & Co. Lincoln, NE 402-479-2205 Allender Butzke Engineers http://www.abengineers.com Urbandale, IA 515-252-1885 Alliance Source Testing Decatur, AL 256-351-0121 Alliant Energy Des Moines, IA 402-881-2426 Ament, Inc. Cedar Rapids, IA 319-378-1401 Moline, IL 309-762-3617 American Engineering Testing, Inc. Mankato, MN 507-387-2222 Antea Group bettendorf, IA 563-355-9785 563-723-5990 davenport, IA 563-340-8030 Naperville, IL 6307174059 Shoreview, MN 515-771-6758 651-697-5228 Apex Urbandale, IA 515-727-8025 Apex Companies Bloomington, MN 763-620-1692 Apex Companies, LLC Urbandale, IA 515-727-8025 Lakeville, MN 5159791444 APTIM Johnston, IA 515-975-1384 Aquetech Fort Dodge, IA 515-490-3806 Arcadis Geraghty & Miller, Inc. Eagan, MN 651-454-2399 Array Environmental Valley, NE 402-359-2233 Aspec Environmental Testing, Inc. Bettendorf, IA 563-355-6277 Associated Engineering Co. of Iowa http://www.aecofiowa.com Des Moines, IA 515-255-3156 ATC Group Services Des Moines, IA 515-981-4528 ATC Group Services LLC www.atcgroupservices.com Des Moines, IA 515-689-3993 Omaha, IA 402-697-9747 Waterloo, IA 319-233-0441 Atlas Technical Consultants www.oneatlas.com Waterloo, IA 13192330441 Back to top B2 Environmental 2038 Ridgeway Dr. Iowa City, IA 3195199447 B2 ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. dba ABC ABATEMENT Omaha, NE 402-330-0763 Barker Lemar Engineering Cons. West Des Moines, IA 515-256-8814 Barr Engineering Co. Minneapolis, MN 952-832-2732 Bartlett & West Engineers, Inc. West Des Moines, IA 515-440-2856 Barton Solvents, Inc. Des Moines, IA 515-265-7998 Baxter & Woodman, Inc. Crystal Lake, IL 815-459-1260 Bay West St. Paul, MN 800-279-0456 Beck Engineering, Inc. Spirit Lake, IA 712-336-3596 BESST Inc. Golden, CO 303-526-4122 Biomass Rules, LLC http://www.biomassrules.com Greenville, IL 618-664-9687 Biox Services, LLC www.BioxServices.com Chicago, IL 773-299-1949 Birchwood Environmental Consulting, LLC https://birchwoodenvironmental.com/ Ankeny, IA 6236965620 Bishop Engineering Company Des Moines, IA 515-276-0476 Black & Veatch Shawnee Mission, KS 913-458-2000 Blackhawk Environmental Testing, Inc. Denver, IA 319-984-6600 Blackstone Environmental, Inc. 16200 Foster Street Overland Park, KS 9135220370 Blasland, Bouck & Lee, Inc. Syracuse, NY 315-446-9120 BMS, Inc. http://www.bioxtech.com Crown Point, IN Bolton & Menk, Inc. Ames, IA 515-253-0830 Braun Intertec Cedar Rapids, IA 319.365.0961 5634951876 319-365-0961 319-365-9565 319.365.0961 Iowa City, IA 319-541-2125 Mankato, MN 507-345-4913 Saint Paul, MN 651-487-7005 Brown, Winick, Graves, Gross, Baskerville & Schoenebaum, PLC http://www.brownwinick.com Des Moines, IA 515-242-2404 Brownfield Environmental Engineering Resources brownfieldusa.com Beloit, WI 608-856-5434 BrownWinick Law Des Moines, IA 515-242-2400 Buell-Winter-Mousel & Associates PC Sioux City, IA 712-258-4204 Buesing & Associates Inc. Dubuque, IA 319-556-4389 Burns & McDonnell Kansas City, MO 816-822-3076 Back to top Calhoun Burns and Associates Inc. West Des Moines, IA 515-224-1385 Cameron-Cole, LLC Boulder, CO 303-938-5562 Carus Corporation Peru, IL 815-224-6594 Casey's General Stores Ankeny, IA 515-965-6238 Cedar Valley Engineering Co. Waverly, IA 319-352-2625 CES Valley, NE 402-359-6140 CETCO www.cetco.com Hoffman Estates, IL 8478511841 Houston, TX 281-550-3388 CH2M Hill Overland Park, KS 913-345-2400 CHEM-ECO Environmental Anamosa, IA 319-484-2618 City of Des Moines Des Moines, IA 515-283-4028 515-323-8173 Civil Engineering Consultants Inc. Des Moines, IA 515-276-4884 Clapsaddle Garber Associates Marshalltown, IA 515-752-6701 Clean Harbors Environmental Services www.cleanharbors.com Norwalk, IA 515-306-2200 Clear Consulting Moline, IL 309-797-5884 Coleman Moore http://www.colemanmoorecompany Des Moines, IA 515-309-5577 Comprehensive Emission Services West Des Moines, IA 515-225-7372 CompuTerra Inc. Iowa City, IA 319-335-4489 Conestoga-Rovers & Assoc http://www.craworld.com Chicago, IL 773-380-9249 St. Paul, MN 651-639-0913 Conestoga-Rovers & Associates Chicago, IL 773-485-9334 Consolidated Environmental Services Birmingham, MI 586-725-5189 Crawford Engineering Independence, IA 319-334-7077 CSD Engineering PC Sergeant Bluff, IA 712-943-5055 Curry-Wille & Associates Ames, IA 515-232-9078 Back to top Davis Brown Law Firm https://www.davisbrownlaw.com/areas/view/index.cfm/Rachel-T-Zander DECORAH, IA 515-246-7918 Deere & Company Public Profilehttps://www.linkedin.com/in/quinn-burke-anderson-197b4a37 Waterloo, IA 3097815240 Delta Environmental Consultants http://www.deltaenv.com St. Charles, MO 636-916-8101 636-916-8106 Dennis Johnson & Associates, Inc. Windom, MN 507-831-2703 Des Moines Internation Airport http://www.dsmairport.com Des Moines, IA 515-256-5302 Des Moines Public Schools Des Moines, IA 515-242-7917 DeWild-Grant-Reckert & Associates Rock Rapids, IA 712-472-2531 Digital Control, Inc. Ames, IA 515-460-1060 Douglas Environmental Consulting http://douglas-environmental-consulting.com/index.html Dewitt, IA 563-659-1421 Drake University 3000 University Ave West Des Moines, IA 224-430-9343 Back to top Earth Services & Abatement (ESA) - Iowa Demolition Des Moines , IA 515-284-0401 Earth Tech Des Moines, IA 515-244-4803 Waterloo, IA 319-232-6531 Oak Brook, IL 630-574-5854 EcoCredit Marketing Norwalk, IA 6412032670 Ecolotree North Liberty, IA 319-665-3547 EcoSolutions Council Bluffs, IA 5312224708 EcoSource West Des Moines, IA 641-660-1766 EcoSource, LLC West Des Moines, IA 515.250.6695 EcoSource, LLC West Des Moines, IA 641-660-1766 Windsor Heights, IA 641-660-1766 Ecovac Services Woodstock, GA 888 432-6822 x101 St. Charles, IL 888-432-6822 Eisenbraun & Associates Yankton, SD 605-665-8092 Elm Consulting, LLC Peoria, IL 309-673-7648 EMR-INC www.emr-inc.com Overland Park, KS 785-842-9013 Enecotech Midwest, Inc. Eagan, MN 651-405-1033 ENSR International St. Louis, MN 952-924-0117 Enviro-Tec, Inc Cresco, IA 319-547-2413 EnviroBusiness dba EBI Consulting www.ebiconsulting.com Rock Island, IL 309-283-7560 Enviromark Davenport, IA 800-388-9100 563-388-9100 Des Moines, IA 515-265-5900 Environmental Consulting and Technology, Inc. ectinc.com Iowa City, IA 6412606942 Environmental Protection South Holland, IL 708-225-1115 Environmental Resource Services Ames, IA 515-231-2288 Environmental Science & Engineering Peoria, IL 309-693-5779 Environmental Science Corp. MT. Juliet, TN 314-750-0321 Environmental Sciences, Inc. Lincoln, NE 402-423-9696 Environmental Solutions Omaha, NE 402-896-3600 Environmental Specialists, Inc. Kansas City, MO 816-523-6878 Environmental Systems, Inc. Iowa City, IA 319-887-1674 Eocene Environmental Group Cedar Rapids, IA 5634951876 Erdman Engineering PC Decorah, IA 319-382-4194 ERIS 8434371473 ERS Ames, IA 5152312288 Eschliman Engineering Boone, IA 515-432-7323 Essential Science Inc. Iowa City, IA 319-430-1793 Eurofins www.EurofinsUS.com/Env Waverly, IA 3192692465 Evans Environmental Glenwood, IA 712-527-1440 Evora Consulting West Des Moines, IA 515-256-8814 ExoTech, Inc. http://www.exotechinc.com Lilburn, GA 770-564-1444 Back to top Fehr-Graham & Associates Freeport, IL 815-235-7643 Forest Road Consulting, Inc. www.forest-road.com Davenport, IA Foth Infrastructure & Environment, LLC Cedar Rapids, IA 319-297-2065 Foth Infrastructure and Environment LLC https://www.foth.com Johnston , IA 515-251-2529 Fox Engineering http://www.foxeng.com Des Moines, IA 515-233-0000 FRC, Inc. Davenport, IA 319-441-2900 French-Reneker-Associates, Inc. Fairfield, IA 641-472-5145 FRx Inc. Cincinnati, OH 800-495-9004 Back to top Garden & Associates, Ltd. Oskaloosa, IA 641-672-2526 General Excavating Lincoln, NE 402-467-1627 Geo Services, Inc. Cedar Rapids, IA 319-431-3445 Geode Environmental, LLC Johnston, IA 515-309-2183 Geoprobe Systems www.geoprobe.com Salina, KS 785-404-1147 Geoprobe Systems® geoprobe.com Salina, KS 612-500-2381 Geoservices Cedar Rapids, IA 31-362-9863 GeoSource, Inc. Monticello, IA 319 465-2030 GeoStat Environmental, LLC Dallas Center, IA 316-755-8830 Urbandale, IA 515-954-6412 Geotechnical Services, Inc. http://www.gsinetwork.com Des Moines, IA 515-270-2642 Geotek Engineering and Testing Services, Inc. Sioux Falls, SD 605-335-5512 Gibbs Engineering & Surveying Manchester, IA 563-927-2434 Gjersvik & Associates Inc. Pleasant Hill, IA 515-263-8882 Golder Associates, Inc. St. Charles, MO 314-936-1554 Great Outdoors Foundation www.greatoutdoorsfoundation.org Des Moines, IA (515) 975-9990 Green Way Environmental Consulting, LLC greenwayenvironmentalconsulting.com Iowa City, IA (319) 541-1467 Groundwater & Environmental Service http://www.GESonline.com Milwaukee, WI 414-747-2444 Groundwater Service & Supply, Inc. http://www.gssmidwest.com Urbandale, IA 515-331-2103 Groundwater Service and Supply, Inc. Urbandale, IA 515-331-2103 Growmark, Inc Waterloo, IA 319 236-3841 GSS, Inc 3311 109th Street, Urbandale, IA 50322 Urbandale, IA 5153312103 GSS, Inc. Urbandale, IA 515-331-2103 Back to top H2K Technologies, Inc. http://www.H2KTech.com Plymouth, MN Hall Engineering Company Centerville, IA 515-437-4477 Hanson Professional Services Springfield, IL 217-788-2450 HazMat Response, Inc. Olathe, KS 800-229-5252 HDR Engineering Inc. https://www.hdrinc.com/ Des Moines, IA 515.494.4691 HDR Engineering, Inc. Des Moines, IA 515-440-2373 Omaha, NE 402-399-1286 Heartland Environmental Services, Inc. Polk City, IA 515-984-9166 Heartland Solutions, Inc. Grain Valley, MO 816-867-2054 Heritage Lemonte, IL 800-735-4374 HGM Associates Inc. Council Bluffs, IA 712-323-0530 Historical Information Gatherers, Inc. http://www.historicalinfo.com Hopkins, MN 952-253-2004 952-253-2004 ext.118 Holmes Murphy & Associates West Des Moines, IA 515-223-6800 HR Green Cedar Rapids, IA 3193311577 HR Green, Inc. Cedar Rapids, IA 3198414329 HWS Consulting Group, Inc. Lincoln, NE 402-479-2247 402-479-2205 Hyde Environmental, Inc. http://www.hyde-env.com Waukesha, WI 262-798-8600 Hydro-Klean Des Moines, IA 515-208-5955 Hydro-Klean, Inc. http://www.hydro-klean.com Des Moines, IA 515-283-0500 Hydro-Klean, LLC www.hydro-klean.com Des Moines, IA 515.283.0500 Back to top IIW Engineers and Surveyors PC Dubuque, IA 563-556-2464 IMEG Corp 15520 Rte 67 MILAN, IL 3097980182 Impact 7G http://www.impact7g.com/ Johnston, IA 515-473-6256 Impact7G impact7g.com Clive, IA 5157205170 Johnston, IA 9079782449 Impact7G, Inc Johnston, IA 515-473-6256 515-735-2129 Impact7G, Inc. Clive, IA 5158673654 Johnston, IA 5158027466 515-473-6256 In-Situ Inc. www.in-situ.com Ft. Collins, CO 9704981557 Innovative Remediation Technologies irtechLLC.com Chicago, IL 773-299-1949 inVentures Technologies Inc. Toronto, ON 647-477-1722 Iowa Assn. of Municipal Utilities Ankeny, IA 515-289-1999 Iowa Department of Natural Resources (515) 725-0384 Des Moines, IA 15153939851 515-242-6491 515-281-7982 515-281-8997 515-360-1671 515-415-0889 515-725-0336 515-725-0467 515-725-8450 5152386986 515689-9149 5157217024 Manchester, IA 563/927-2640 Slater, IA 515-710-0188 Iowa Department of Natural Resources, FO #1 Manchester, IA 563-927-2640 Iowa Department of Natural Resources, FO #2 Mason City, IA 641-424-4073 Iowa Department of Natural Resources, FO #3 Spencer, IA 712-262-4177 Iowa Department of Natural Resources, FO #4 Atlantic, IA 712-243-1934 Iowa Department of Natural Resources, FO #5 Des Moines, IA 515-725-0268 Iowa Department of Natural Resources, FO #6 Washington, IA 319-653-2135 Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Geologic Survey Bureau Coralville, IA 319-351-6668 Iowa Department of Natural Resources, UST Section Des Moines, IA 515-281-8011 Iowa Dept. of Justice http://www.iaenvironment.org Des Moines, IA 515-281-6678 Iowa DNR Ames, IA 515-290-1396 (cell) Des Moines, IA 515-310-0247 515-725-0462 Toledo, IA 641.751.4465 Iowa One Call Des Moines, IA 800-292-8989 Iowa Rural Water Association Newton, IA 641-787-0330 Iowa State University Maquoketa, IA 563-219-4271 Iowa State University-EH&S Ames, IA 515-294-3409 ISU Ames, IA 515-294-2105 515-294-7676 515-294-8056 ISU Dept. of Agricultural Engineering Ames, IA 515-294-1434 ISU Dept. of Chemical Engineering Ames, IA 515-294-7642 ISU Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering Ames, IA 515-294-2140 ISU Dept. of Environmental Science Ames, IA 515-294-3651 Back to top J. Pettiecord, Inc. Des Moines, IA 515-263-8900 Jacobson-Westergard & Associates Estherville, IA 712-362-2647 Jebro Inc. www.Jebro.com Sioux City, IA 712-234-2814 JEO Consulting Group, Inc. http://www.jeo.com Carroll, IA 712-792-9711 Iowa City, IA 319-338-3909 402-443-7481 JFSCO Engineering Red Oak, IA 712-623-2579 John Franklin Engineering Spirit Lake, IA 712-336-0727 Back to top KD3 Environmental LLC Iowa City, IA 319-560-0226 KDHE Topeka, KS 785-296-1684 Keystone Laboratories, Inc. http://www.keystonelabs.com Newton, IA 800-858-5227 Kirkham-Michael & Associates Urbandale, IA 515-270-0848 Kleinfelder Omaha, NE 402-331-2260 Knightly Environmental Inc. knightlyenvironmental.com Lenexa, KS 913-888-1985 Kruse, Cate & Nelson PC Spencer, IA 712-262-3468 Kuehl & Payer Ltd. Algona, IA 515-295-2980 Storm Lake, IA 712-732-7745 Back to top Lab Safety Supply, Inc. http://www.LSS.com Janesville, WI 1-800-356-0783 Landmark Surveying and Engineering Inc. Iowa City, IA 319-354-1984 Larson Engineering, PLC Urbandale, IA 515-251-8499 Layne Christensen Valley, NE 402-359-2042 Leggette, Brashears & Graham, Inc. http://www.lbgmn.com St. Paul, MN 651-490-1405 ext. 213 North Kansas City, MO 816-421-7766 ext. 106 Sioux Falls, SD 605-334-6000 Leo Pelds Engineering Company Des Moines, IA 515-265-8196 Liesch Associates, Inc. Plymouth, MN 763-559-1423 Lockheed Martic Kansas City, MO 816-329-3649 Loess Hills Environmental Logan, IA 4026996993 LRM Consulting Louisville, NE 4029490832 Back to top Magellan Midstream Partners, LP Urbandale, IA 515-265-2111 515-276-0547 Marine Pollution Control Perry, IA 515 681-9610 Marshall Miller & Associates Lenexa, KS 913-648-4424 Martin Marietta Ds Moines, IA 515-697-3428 Johnston, IA 515-276-8089 McClure Engineering Fort Dodge, IA 515-576-7155 East Moline, IL 309-792-9350 McFadden Environmental Grimes, IA 515-986-1755 MECx http://www.mecx.net East Amherst, NY 713.412.9697 META Lawrence, KS 913 842-6382 Metro Waste Authority www.mwatoday.com Bondurant, IA 515-333-4434 Mitchellville, IA 515-333-4475 Microbac Laboratories Newton, IA 4124149443 641-841-0111 4124149443 Microbac Laboratories, Inc microbac.com Newton, IA 6417928451 MidAmerican Energy Company Urbandale, IA 515-281-2953 5152424221 5153605101 Midwest Environmental Services Centerville, IA 800-510-8510 Midwest Inspections & Env. Services Marshalltown, IA 515-753-6071 Midwest Laboratories, Inc. http://www.midwestlabs.com Omaha, NE 402-334-7770 Midwest Trenchless Technologies Belle Plaine, MN 952-873-3292 Missman, Stanley & Associates http://www.missman.com Rock Island, IL 309-283-1583 MPS Engineers www.mpsengineers.com Des Moines, IA 515-221-9832 West Des Moines, IA 515-681-7218 MSA Professional Services, Inc. Galena, IL 888-672-0003 MWH http://www.mwhglobal.com Urbandale, IA 515-253-0830 Back to top Nationwide Environmental Group, Inc. Comanche, IA 319-259-1048 NCG Drilling Division - Nova Consulting Group Chaska, MN 952-361-8671 Nelson Engineering Charles City, IA 641-228-4624 Northern Natural Gas http://www.NNGCO.com Omaha, NE 402-398-7715 Northwest Environmental Services, Inc. http://www.midlands.net Alton, IA 712-756-4732 NTC Services Mequon, WI 262-404-1131 Back to top Oakstone Environmental Management, LLC Walcott, IA 15639403568 Back to top Pace www.pacelabs.com Minnepolis, MN 3147500321 Pace Analytical www.pacelabs.com Lenexa, KS 913-307-6958 Pace Analytical Labs pete.strong@pacelabs.com Washington, IL 3098402894 Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Lenexa, KS 913-563-1452 8165507359 Pauly Environmental, LLC Winterset, IA 515-462-4210 PDC Laboratories, Inc. / Peoria Disposal Co. http://www.pdcarea.com Peoria, IA 309-688-0760 ext. 218 PEMC CO, LLC Omaha, NE 402-657-4910 PeroxyChem www.peroxychem.com Chicago, IL 7739919615 Philip Services Corp Columbia, IL 618-281-1547 Pioneer Environmental Services, LLC www.pioneerees.com Chicago, IL 773-722-9200 Pioneer Hi-Bred International Ankeny, IA 515-270-5987 PMMIC Urbandale, IA 515-334-3010 515-334-3001 Waukee, IA 515-266-9891 Pointer Environmental Inc. Davenport, IA 319-388-7890 Preston Engineering http://www.prestonengineering.com Davenport, IA 563-388-8288 Product Level Control, Inc http://www.productlevel.com Burnsville, MN 952-707-9101 952-707-9101 ext. 131 Back to top R&A Risk Professionals / PMMIC Urbandale, IA (515) 334-3001 Rain for Rent http://www.rainforrent.com Davenport, IA 563-529-3464 Greenwood, NE 402-944-6057 RDG Geoscience & Engineering, Inc. Omaha, NE 402-894-2678 Regenesis 949-366-8000 San Clemente, CA 630-319-0836 9492180723 Lenexa, KS Remediation Technologies, LTD Des Plaines, IL 847-956-7587 Retired 1421 Carroll Avenue Ames, IA 5152317444 Rewerts Well Company Nevada, IA 515-382-4925 RINAlliance Des Moines, IA 515-988-1626 Urbandale, IA 8664337467 Rock River Consulting, Inc Davenport, IA 309-314-2496 Rockwell Solutions, Inc. Elk Ridge, UT 801-361-2930 Back to top Saberprobe http://www.saberprobe.com Omaha, NE 402-253-8866 Schemmer Associates Council Bluffs, IA 515-329-0300 Schlotfeldt Engineering Inc. Lemars, IA 712-546-8118 SCS Engineers https://www.scsengineers.com/ Clive, IA 515-250-0365 West Des Moines, IA 515-681-4783 Overland Park, KS (913) 451-7510 Omaha, NE (402)884-6202 Secor White Bear Lake, MN 651-653-912 Seneca Companies http://www.senecaco.com Bettendorf, IA 800-728-6900 Des Moines, IA 515-256-8814 800-369-3500 Shaw Environmental http://www.shawgrp.com O'Fallan, MO 800-537-9540 Shekar Engineering 2600 MLK Jr. Pkwy, Suite 200 Des Moines, IA 5159756495 Johnston, IA 515-334-5062 Shekar Engineering, PLC Johnston, IA 515-334-5062 Sinclair Oil Company Burnsville, NM 952-736-1100 Snyder & Associates, Inc. Ankeny, IA 515-964-2020 Solstice Company, Inc. Omaha, NE 515-291-4221 Stanley Consultants Cedar Rapids, IA 3198264161 Stanley Consultants, Inc. http://www.stanleygroup.com Coralville, IA 319-626-3990 319-626-5330 Stantec Des Moines, IA 515 251-1053 515 253-0830 Eagan, IA 16514856835 Huxley, IA 515-597-3405 Marion, IA 3193314554 Solon, IA 5073580344 Urbandale, IA 15152511019 515 253-0830 515-253-0830 Stantec Consulting Corporation http://www.stantec.com White Bear Lake, MN 651-255-5050 Steffen Engineering & Testing, Inc. Lawton, IA 712 944-5511 Stone Consulting Boone, IA 515-433-2164 Summit Envirosolutions, Inc. http://www.summite.com St. Paul, MN 651-842-4204 Back to top Terracon 812-219-0339 Bettendorf, IA 563-355-0702 Cedar Falls, IA 319-277-4016 Cedar Rapids, IA 319-366-8321 Des Moines , IA 515.557.3845 Des Moines, IA 515-244-3184 5152443184 Knoxville, IA 6414510947 Waukee, IA 319-201-9108 Omaha, NE Terracon Consultants terracon.com Cedar Rapids, IA 319-221-7314 Des Moines, IA 5155573887 Terracon Consultants, Inc. Bettendorf, IA 563-468-4271 Des Moines, IA 5152443184 Omaha, NE 402-330-2202 TestAmerica Epworth, IA 319-269-2465 Esko, MN 319-269-2465 The Retec Group, Inc. St. Paul, MN 651-222-0841 Thiele Geotech, Inc. http://www.thielegeotech.com Omaha, NE 402-556-2171 Thompson Environmental Consulting http://www.tecenv.com West Des Moines, IA 515-225-4303 Toltest, Inc. Toledo, OH 419-241-7175 Triad Engineering Milwaukee, WI 414-291-8840 Tricore Environmental, LLC www.tricoreweb.com Naperville, IL 630-520-9973 Trihydro Corporation Laramie, WY 307-745-7474 Trileaf Corporation http://www.trileaf.com Grimes, IA 515-986-5151 Tucker Consulting Inc. Storm Lake, IA 712-732-3030 Back to top U of I Hygienic Laboratory Iowa City, IA 319-335-4500 Ulteig Engineers, Inc. Sioux Falls, SD 605-323-2603 Unified Contracting Des Moines, IA 515-266-5700 Unified Contracting Services Inc www.petroleumcontractor.com Des Moines , IA 515-266-5700 Unified Contracting Services, Inc Des Moines, IA 515-266-5700 United Environmental Services, Inc. Urbandale, IA 515-727-2204 University of Iowa Iowa City, IA 319-335-5065 University of Northern Iowa Cedar Falls, IA 319-273-3445 5155373436 URS Corporation http://www.urscorp.com Urbandale, IA 515-284-5500 Chicago, IL 312-596-6706 312-596-6775 US Army COE, CEMVR-ED-DN Rock Island, IL 309-794-5643 US Army Corps. of Engineers Rock Island, IL 309-794-5202 Back to top Veenstra & Kimm, Inc West Des Moines, IA 515-225-8000 Vermeer Corp. ddawley@vermeer.com New Sharon , IA 641-295-1654 VERUTEK http://www.gsprsenv.com VJ Engineering http://www.vjengineering.com Cedar Rapids, IA 319-447-2222 Iowa City, IA 319-351-2166 Back to top W&M Environmental Group, Inc. http://www.wh-m.com Iowa City, IA 319-248-9872 Wapsi Valley Archaeology Ames, IA 515.233.1146 Wayne Claassen Engineering Waterloo, IA 319-235-6294 Web Tester www.test.com Clive, IA 515-555-5555 Wenck Associates, Inc. Maple Plain, MN 763-479-4228 West Central Environmental Consultants, Inc. http://www.wcec.com Morris, MN 320-589-2039 West Des Moines Engineering Division West Des Moines, IA 515-222-3475 Westheffer Company, Inc. http://www.westheffer.com Lawrence, KS 785-843-1633 WHKS & Co. Mason City, IA 641-423-8271 WSP USA wsp.com Kansas City, MO 816-702-4255 WSP USA Environment & Infrastructure Minneapolis, MN 612-425-7016 Back to top Xitech Instruments Inc. Panora, IA 641-755-2711 Back to top Yaggy Colby Associates Mason City, IA 641-424-6344 Youngquist Engineering Des Moines, IA 515-285-2958 Back to top Zia Engineering & Environmental Consultants Windsor Heights, IA 515-334-9994 Back to top |